Call: 860-298-9333 for Home Medical Supplies | Fax: 860-370-5535





Accessibility Supplies
Medical Supplies



Orthopedic Products


orthopedic productsOrthopedics is the study of the musculoskeletal system. Ellsworth Medical can provide products such as joint supports, knee braces, lumbar supports and other orthopedic products.

From our Windsor location, we can quickly deliver your supplies within a 20 mile radius. This includes Windsor Locks, Enfield, East Windsor, South Windsor, Granby, Bloomfield, Simsbury, West Hartford, Hartford, Newington, Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, Glastonbury, East Hartford and Manchester.


Call us today at (860) 298-9333


   CT HIC #0623112   /   R1 #ELV0475225-R1

Operating Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:30-2:30

Contact Us:

545 Spring Street, Suite B
Windsor Locks, CT 06096


(860) 298-9333
(860)­ 370-5535

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